Posts tagged with "Reparatur"

An altered and repaired outfit for every day - Zebraspider Eco Anti-Fashion
2022 · 04. February 2022
This week, I'm showing you an outfit that has more behind it than being a basic jeans and band shirt combination. I've owned the striped and flared pants for many years, but it was time to make some changes (and repairs). The long-sleeved shirt is new but needed some alterations as well. Sometimes it's in the small details to make things work. Can you guess what I did?

Re-dyed and repaired cardigan - Zebraspider DIY Anti-Fashion Blog
2021 · 11. January 2021
You might remember the garish dyed cardigan that I made more than a year ago. I didn't wear it as much as I'd liked because the bright tie-dye-look often clashed with the rest of my outfit. There was also a problem at the shoulder seams that needed to be fixed. I am living in this cosy cardigan at the moment, and I'll show you what I did to make it perfect.

So wird ein ausgeleierter Lieblingspulli wieder fit gemacht - Zebraspider DIY
2015 · 30. November 2015
Hast du dich schonmal geärgert, daß dein Lieblingspulli ausgeleiert ist? Meinem Freund ging es letztens ähnlich. Am Anfang der Tour von Bishops Green hat er sich eine Sweat-Jacke gekauft und ständig getragen, ist ja unsere momentane Lieblingsband. Nur einen Monat später ist das Bündchen total weit geworden und steht blöd ab. Wie ich das fix wieder hingekriegt habe, zeig ich euch hier. (Bilder anklicken zum Vergrößern.)